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DrinksUnion Eurasia took part in the international forum “Anticounterfeit”

2022-09-27 17:00
The Chairman of DrinksUnion Eurasia Maksim Novikov took part in the discussion session "Consumer and entrepreneur. The Search for the model of the conscientious interaction", which was the part of the international forum "Anticounterfeit".

During the event the questions of self-regulation in the interests of consumers and the conscientious business ethics as the element of the defense of the consumer market from counterfeit and falsified products have been discussed. One of the key questions was the discussion on the algorithms of the efficient interaction between business and society in the inner EAEU market, the proposals for creating in the EUEA mechanisms of resolving transborder consumer disputes and preventing the spread of illegal products.
Maksim Novikov made a report "Development of self-regulation practice in the drinks industry".
The Russian beverage industry has been working in the sphere of the development of self-regulation practices and the increasing the quality and safety of juices, water and drinks. Nowadays the Union has the product quality monitoring system, the Committee of self-regulation, the practice of creating Industry codes of additional obligations for beverage producers.
"The recommendations of the EEC "On conscientious business practices towards the consumers" were approved in 2022 after the discussion of the practices of the conscientious attitude towards the consumer in the EAEU market. — told Maksim Novikov. — The goals of the Union are to expand the coverage of the products checked as part of the product quality monitoring system and to spread the project on the territories of the EAEU and CIS countries involving partner profile associations.