Position on the topic of WHO statements on the problem of obesity in the world
SOYUZNAPITKA Eurasia fully shares WHO’s position on#nbsp;the importance of#nbsp;combating obesity in#nbsp;the world and the need to#nbsp;use additional tools to#nbsp;reduce the number of#nbsp;noncommunicable diseases among adults and children in#nbsp;the world. In#nbsp;connection with the publication of#nbsp;new data from the Lancet study, the beverage industry of#nbsp;the EAEU countries would like to#nbsp;note a#nbsp;number of#nbsp;important points that will allow combining the efforts of#nbsp;business, society and the state to#nbsp;develop a#nbsp;culture of#nbsp;rational consumption. As#nbsp;noted in#nbsp;the WHO statement, the key factors in#nbsp;the fight against obesity are: prevention and treatment of#nbsp;obesity both at#nbsp;an#nbsp;early age and in#nbsp;adulthood through a#nbsp;diet, physical activity and appropriate medical care, as#nbsp;well as#nbsp;improving the availability of#nbsp;healthy and nutritious foods. We#nbsp;share the opinion that obesity and other noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) depend on#nbsp;a#nbsp;variety of#nbsp;economic, cultural and social factors and only comprehensive work to#nbsp;improve living standards, access to#nbsp;medicine, promote sports culture and nutrition can bring positive results in#nbsp;the long term. The Union of#nbsp;Producers of#nbsp;Juices, Water and Beverages of#nbsp;Eurasia notes that at#nbsp;the moment the world practice of#nbsp;using various restrictive measures or#nbsp;increasing the tax burden on#nbsp;soft drinks with sugar content has an#nbsp;ambiguous result. On#nbsp;the one hand, the mechanism for increasing the tax burden is#nbsp;insufficient to#nbsp;achieve tangible positive results in#nbsp;the fight against NCDs, on#nbsp;the other hand, this measure is#nbsp;associated with the risk of#nbsp;serious negative economic and social factors: the transition to#nbsp;substitute goods, reduction of#nbsp;tax deductions to#nbsp;the budget, reduction of#nbsp;investments in#nbsp;the development of#nbsp;the food industry and job cuts. We#nbsp;believe that in#nbsp;addressing this issue, it#nbsp;is#nbsp;important to#nbsp;adhere to#nbsp;a#nbsp;balanced policy that will take into account the interests of#nbsp;society, the state and business. The beverage producers of#nbsp;the Eurasian countries are interested in#nbsp;cooperation and productive dialogue with consumers and authorities and are ready to#nbsp;further develop the practice of#nbsp;self-regulation and introduce new tools for the development of#nbsp;a#nbsp;culture of#nbsp;rational consumption. An#nbsp;illustrative example of#nbsp;this work is#nbsp;the adoption of#nbsp;Voluntary Commitment Codes, under which companies agree to#nbsp;increase the proportion of#nbsp;low-calorie beverages, reduce the volume of#nbsp;packaging and voluntarily limit marketing among children under 12 years of#nbsp;age.