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The working meeting of representatives of the Statestandard of the Belarus Republic and juice, water and beverage producers of the EAEU countries has been held

2023-01-27 12:47
The meeting took place in#nbsp;the Statestandard of#nbsp;Belarus on#nbsp;23d January: the 1st vice chairman of#nbsp;the Statestandard Elena Morgunova represented the side of#nbsp;the Republic of#nbsp;Belarus, the vice-president on#nbsp;quality Ludmila Homich represented the side of#nbsp;the Union.

The specialists from the central office of#nbsp;the Statestandard, Belgospischeprom, Scientific and Practical center of#nbsp;Belarus on#nbsp;Foodstuff, the Institute of#nbsp;Meat and Milk Industry, the Belarusian State Institute of#nbsp;Metrology, the Belarusian State Institute of#nbsp;Standardization and Certification, food industry enterprises took part in#nbsp;the meeting as#nbsp;well.

The main part of#nbsp;the meeting was dedicated to#nbsp;the discussion of#nbsp;the necessity to#nbsp;modify the technical requirements on#nbsp;juice products from fruit and vegetables (TR#nbsp;EAEU 023/2011) and bottled water, including natural mineral water (TR#nbsp;EAEU 044/2017). Proposals to#nbsp;revise, modify and create new international standards were considered during the meeting.

These proposals were presented by#nbsp;the vice-president on#nbsp;quality from the DRINKSUNION Eurasia Ludmila Homich. According to#nbsp;the Union’s position there is#nbsp;a#nbsp;necessity to#nbsp;correct the calculation of#nbsp;the nutritional value and possible deviations in#nbsp;this indicator. There is#nbsp;also a#nbsp;necessity to#nbsp;modify the Annex 2 regarding fruit and vegetables, used in#nbsp;the juice production.

The participants of#nbsp;the meeting agreed that there is#nbsp;a#nbsp;necessity to#nbsp;modify#nbsp;TR CU#nbsp;023/2011. Other documents should be#nbsp;thoroughly studied and discussed with all stakeholders. It#nbsp;is#nbsp;important to#nbsp;understand, if#nbsp;these modifications are appropriate and satisfy producers and consumers. According to#nbsp;the results of#nbsp;the studying and received feedback the future actions in#nbsp;this direction will be#nbsp;defined.
2022 2023