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Soyuznapitki took part in the round table “Development of practices of the conscientious attitude towards the consumer in the EAEU countries market”

2022-05-25 15:00
The event took place on the 25th of May ahead of the Eurasian Economic Forum and brought together business associations from EUEA countries, bodies of the Executive power and representatives of consumer associations. Participants of the dialogue outlined further steps for improving consumer rights protection system, implementing the best self-regulation practices of business and fostering connections between business and consumer communities in EAEU.

Soyuznapitki President Maksim Novikov pointed at the fact, that against the background of global changes the beverage industry needs a consolidation as never before.
"We are convinced that there is a big potential in the EAEU countries and we need to activate the work on the development of international infrastructure, lifting administrative barriers and fostering the trade. The development of practices of the conscientious juices, water and drinks production and the introduction of self-regulatiion practices in the beverage industry should be the key elements of these transformations", — said Maksim Novikov.
There are objective premises that the juices, water and beverage market of the EAEU countries has opportunities for the future development and growth. The trend towards the high-quality and the safety of products, the social orientation of business can increase the consumers' loyalty to the drinks, make a contribution into the development of the rational consumption culture.
The quality monitoring system Soyuznapitki, which has been implemented over last 10 years, with aim of the analysis of product qualities, was presented as an example of successful projects in the sphere of self-regulation. The work of the Committee of self-regulation Soyuznapitki is another important direction. Thanks to the initiatives of the Committee several industrial codes have been accepted.
· "Calorie Pledge" was signed in 2019 with the support of Rospotrebnadzor (Russia). According to the document, company members commit to decrease the amount of sugar by 10% within 2024.
· "The Ethical Code" has been accepted and considered to be mandatory for execution for the Union’s members since May, 2020.
· "The Code of the responsible energy drinks producer" was signed in 2021 with the support of scientific expert community.
Besides, Soyuznapitki permanently conducts the work on the interaction with regulatory authorities and federal bodies of the Executive power. The key goal of this work is to foster the development of the beverage industry, creating the favorable business infrastructure, lifting administrative barriers and risks, and sustaining the high quality and safety of food products.
Drawing the conclusion, Maksim Novikov noted, that the work on several key directions will foster the consolidation of the market and sustain high standards of quality and safety:
· Building new supply channels of raw materials and ingredients from EAEU countries opens new opportunities for the EAEU business.
· Establishing the supra-national industry union will result into the integration of industry associations in the framework of the common economic space, strengthening the coordination of the business.
· The launch of regular work of the mechanisms on the exchange of the best practices regarding quality and safety control issues of the production and development of business mechanisms.
· Creation of the common risk map for the EAEU countries will facilitate the process of the defending the business and consumers interests in the framework of the EAEU space.