The meeting took place in the Statestandard of Belarus on 23d January: the 1st vice chairman of the Statestandard Elena Morgunova represented the side of the Republic of Belarus, the vice-president on quality Ludmila Homich represented the side of the Union.
The specialists from the central office of the Statestandard, Belgospischeprom, Scientific and Practical center of Belarus on Foodstuff, the Institute of Meat and Milk Industry, the Belarusian State Institute of Metrology, the Belarusian State Institute of Standardization and Certification, food industry enterprises took part in the meeting as well.
The main part of the meeting was dedicated to the discussion of the necessity to modify the technical requirements on juice products from fruit and vegetables (TR EAEU 023/2011) and bottled water, including natural mineral water (TR EAEU 044/2017). Proposals to revise, modify and create new international standards were considered during the meeting.
These proposals were presented by the vice-president on quality from the DRINKSUNION Eurasia Ludmila Homich. According to the Union’s position there is a necessity to correct the calculation of the nutritional value and possible deviations in this indicator. There is also a necessity to modify the Annex 2 regarding fruit and vegetables, used in the juice production.
The participants of the meeting agreed that there is a necessity to modify TR CU 023/2011. Other documents should be thoroughly studied and discussed with all stakeholders. It is important to understand, if these modifications are appropriate and satisfy producers and consumers. According to the results of the studying and received feedback the future actions in this direction will be defined.
The specialists from the central office of the Statestandard, Belgospischeprom, Scientific and Practical center of Belarus on Foodstuff, the Institute of Meat and Milk Industry, the Belarusian State Institute of Metrology, the Belarusian State Institute of Standardization and Certification, food industry enterprises took part in the meeting as well.
The main part of the meeting was dedicated to the discussion of the necessity to modify the technical requirements on juice products from fruit and vegetables (TR EAEU 023/2011) and bottled water, including natural mineral water (TR EAEU 044/2017). Proposals to revise, modify and create new international standards were considered during the meeting.
These proposals were presented by the vice-president on quality from the DRINKSUNION Eurasia Ludmila Homich. According to the Union’s position there is a necessity to correct the calculation of the nutritional value and possible deviations in this indicator. There is also a necessity to modify the Annex 2 regarding fruit and vegetables, used in the juice production.
The participants of the meeting agreed that there is a necessity to modify TR CU 023/2011. Other documents should be thoroughly studied and discussed with all stakeholders. It is important to understand, if these modifications are appropriate and satisfy producers and consumers. According to the results of the studying and received feedback the future actions in this direction will be defined.