The Union of Juice, Water and Beverage Producers took part in the Eurasian Economic Forum on 26th May in Bishkek. Apart from the business program of the Forum the meetings between the Soyuznapitki delegation and the representatives of the business community of the Kyrgyz Republic were organized.
During the session "Perspectives of the Union inner market without obstacles. Ways of development" Soyuznapitki pointed at the important problem — the development of the restriction measures towards the beverage industry. The multidirectional practice of regulation on the energy drinks is observed on the territory of the EAEU. The industry doesn’t see any reasons to create these restrictions given that the product is safe, what was confirmed by the scientific research.
"We need common rules of regulation, which will allow us to formulate balanced attitude to the category, based on scientific data and laws. We believe that there aren’t any reasons for regulatory restrictions to limit energy drinks sales." - noted Soyuznapitki President Maksim Novikov.
The important part of the program of the Union of Juice, Water and Beverage Producers was dedicated to the creation the dialogue with representatives of business community and associations in the Kyrgyz Republic. The meeting with International Business Council, one of the leading business associations, and big regional players "Coca Cola Bishkek Bottlers", group of companies "Forester" was organized.
"The Kyrgyz Republic is one the key markets in the beverage industry, — told Soyuznapitki President Maksim Novikov. — We see the huge potential in terms of increasing the volumes of production and consumption and in terms of developing the best business practices. Today we see that many tendencies in the drinks industry in Russia and Kyrgyzstan are similar. The risks, emerging in many EAEU countries, unite us. We believe that the common efforts of Russian and Kyrgyz business communities will unleash the potential of the industry and will make the work on the defending the business and consumer interests more efficient."